Thursday, September 23, 2010

"Much Madness is divinest Sense" by Emily Dickinson

# 13

To agree or not to agree? The speaker of Dickinson's poem urges readers through a major paradoxical statement to "demur" what society always says. While society claims "assent- and you are sane, demur- [and] you're straightway dangerous," the insanity is said to come from agreeing with the majority of society. There is truth in the paradox. The speaker is pushing individual thought, unique personality, and overall independence in beliefs. The insane aspect comes from simply agreeing with what the majority of people say or do.

I wonder if when Dickinson wrote this poem she realized the timeless qualities it would carry into future generations. It's human nature to follow what is popular; it's hard to stand out and stand up for the more abstract ideas. But it's the people who possess the confidence to step outside the realm of comfort and be different that make a lasting mark.

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