Thursday, September 9, 2010

"The Widow's Lament in Springtime" by William Carlos Williams

# 13

I liked this poem because not only did it describe the new life and blossoming of spring, but it also described the loss a woman felt. I found this whole poem ironic when considering how springtime brings new life. Despite the time of year, all this widow could think of was death and the grieving for her husband. It seemed to me that she wanted to "fall into the marshes" at the end to symbolize her death so she could be with her husband. The setting of springtime is fitting since everything is growing and moving on, while the widow is stuck in the past. The white flowers symbolize growth and new life, but for the widow all they do is bring about grief and seemingly unwanted memories of her dead husband. This idea made me realize that things which once brought us happiness, like peonies for me, remind us of distant, sad memories as time goes by (the death of my grandma). After losing her husband, happiness can no longer be seen in the simple things.

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