Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Pivotal Moment

pg. 178 "Dear God, That's it, say Shug. Pack your stuff. You coming back to Tennessee with me. But I feels daze. My daddy lynch. My mama crazy... You must be sleep."

My initial reaction to the letter Celie read from Nettie indicating that "Pa is not our pa!" startled me so much that my mind starting racing backwards remembering all that had previously happened. And then I turned the page to one of the most significant chapters- short and sweet. Celie writes her shortest letter to God yet. Her short, choppy syntax depict perfectly the chaos and daze she finds herself in. Again, Walker throws a curve ball! Shug's demand that she pack her stuff offers a subtle foreshadow to an event that might alter the course of the story...

pg. 202 "You a lowdown dog is what's wrong, I say. It's time to leave you and enter into the Creation. And your dead body just the welcome mat I need."

As Shug announces Celie's departure, I imagine the shock that hovered in Odessa's dining room. This scene is the climax of the story for several reasons. First, Shug gets her way. A woman whose determination and strong will often gets the best of her, she helps liberate Celie from her devastating life with Mr. ____. Second, this is the first time Celie stands up for herself to any man. Through this declaration, theme also comes forth. It is in leaving her current life that she can truly enter into creation. Creation doesn't necessarily mean God's world but all the beauty there is to behold which she's missed over the years due to being under a man's thumb.

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